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发布时间:2024-04-25 09:30 作者:rkjkys 浏览:




来源:韩菲菲, 高欣, 谢阳, 等. 青少年颈肩腰背疼痛和心理亚健康状况及其关联[J]. 中国学校卫生: 1-5[2024-05-07].



Objective  To explore the association among neck-shoulder pain (NSP), low back pain (LBP) and co-occurringsymptoms with mental sub-health in adolescents, so as to provide evidence for improving physical and mental health of adolescents.

Methods  Stratified cluster random sampling method was used to select 7 986 students from 12 middle and high schools in Shenzhen ,Nanchang, and Shenyang cities from 0ctober to December 2019. The Assessment of Spinal Health of Youth (ASHY) and the Brief Instrument on Psychological Health of Youth (Bl0PHY) were used to assess NSP, LBP and mental sub-health. Binary Logistic regression model was used to analyze the association between NSP, LBP and co-occurring symptoms with mental sub-health in adolescents.

Results  The detection rates of adolescents with NSP, LBP and co-occurring symptoms and mental sub-health were 9.1%, 9.8%, 9.5%, and 10.0%, respectively. The co-occurring rate of neck shoulder pain, low back pain and mental sub-health was 3.2%. After adjusting for confounding variables such as gender, age, being an only child, family residence, and parental education level,NSP(0R=6.01, 95%CI=5.02-7.19),LBP(0R=5.08,95%CI=4.25-6.07), and co-occurring symptoms (OR=5.96, 95%CI=4.98-7.12) in adolescents were positively correlated with mental sub-health risk ( P<0.01). Stratifying the gender , boys with NSP, LBP and co-occurring symptoms (0R=6.84, 5.80, 6.74) had a higher risk of mental sub-health compared to girls (0R=5.52, 4.65, 5.49)(P<0.01).

Conclusions  NSP, LBP and co-occurring symptoms in adolescents are associated with mental sub-health. The mental health status of boys is more affected by NSP, LBP and their co-occurring symptoms. Measures should betaken to improve spinal health in adolescents to reduce the incidence of mental sub-health.



目的 探讨青少年颈肩部疼痛(NSP)和腰背部疼痛(LBP)以及颈肩腰背疼痛与心理亚健康的关联,为促进青少年身心健康发展提供参考。

方法 2019年10—12月,采用分层整群随机抽样方法从深圳、南昌、沈阳3个地区12所初、高中共抽取7 986名在校学生,使用青少年脊柱健康评定问卷(ASHY)和青少年心理健康评定简明问卷(BIOPHY)分别评定青少年NSP、LBP和心理亚健康状况。建立二元Logistic回归模型分析青少年NSP、LBP和颈肩腰背疼痛与心理亚健康的关联。

结果 青少年NSP、LBP、颈肩腰背疼痛和心理亚健康检出率分别为9.1%,9.8%,9.5%和10.0%,颈肩腰背疼痛与心理亚健康共患率为3.2%。在控制性别、年龄、是否独生子女、家庭居住地、父母文化程度等相关因素影响后,青少年NSP(OR=6.01,95%CI=5.02~7.19)、LBP(OR=5.08,95%CI=4.25~6.07)和颈肩腰背疼痛(OR=5.96,95%CI=4.98~7.12)与心理亚健康风险均呈正向关联(P值均<0.01);对性别分层后,有NSP、LBP和颈肩腰背疼痛的男生(OR值分别为6.84,5.80,6.74)心理亚健康风险较女生更高(OR值分别为5.52,4.65,5.49)(P值均<0.01)。

结论 青少年NSP、LBP和颈肩腰背疼痛与心理亚健康存在正向关联,男生心理健康状况受NSP、LBP、颈肩腰背疼痛的影响更大。应采取措施改善青少年脊柱健康状况,以降低心理健康的发生风险。
