Effects of high-frequency visual information on myopia among children and adolescents
Author: Liu xiaoling, Xie yang,Tao fangbiao
摘要: 开展近视防控行动是延缓近视发生和发展的关键,而了解近视发生发展的原因及相关机制有助于更好地开展近视防控。城市化进程加速和室内用眼时间长成为高频视觉信息缺乏的重要因素,高频视觉信息不足成为新的近视病因。研究关注不同场景环境中高频视觉信息与近视关联的研究进展,并从对比敏感度、视觉场景中的局部亮度增量和减量视觉通路及基因表达多个角度探讨高频视觉信息不足的近视病因意义,为在不同场景开展针对性的儿童青少年近视防控措施提供参考依据。
Abstract: Prevention and control of myopia is the key to delaying its occurrence and progression. Understanding the causes of myopia and its related mechanisms is conducive to better prevention and control. The acceleration of urbanization and increased time in indoor environments have become significant factors for the lack of high-frequency visual information, which constitutes new etiological considerations. Therefore, the study focuses on the research progress on the association between high-frequency visual information and myopia in different scene environments, and further explores the etiology of insufficient high-frequency visual information in myopia from the perspectives of contrast sensitivity, ON-OFF visual pathways, and gene expression, so as to provide reference for carrying out targeted myopia prevention and control measures in different scenarios.